Editor/-Chief: Professor Satoshi Gando (INSERT INSTITUTION)

Editorial Board


日本外科感染症学会 御中

We believe that you would wish to be among the first to know about our exciting new venture.  Together with 
BioMed Central and our eminent international board, we will soon be launching a new open access journal called Journal of Intensive Care, with the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine

Journal of Intensive Care is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal that encompasses all aspects of the intensive care medicine. The Journal aims to publish articles contributing to the development of intensive care medical science, and to promote the exchange of ideas internationally in this and related fields. In addition, the Journal encourages submissions considering the different cultural aspects of intensive care practice.

Submit your research to Journal of Intensive Care and take advantage of an efficient online submission process, a rapid, high quality peer-review service, and immediate publication upon acceptance. There are no color charges and no limits on the number of figures or embedded movies. 

All BioMed Central journals are included in freely accessible full text repositories. This complies with the 
open access policies of many funders including those of the Howard Hughes Medical InstituteNIH, and Wellcome Trust.

To enable the journal to make all of its content open access and to ease the financial burden of our authors, instead of levying an article-processing charge,
The Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine will cover the costs of publication on behalf of the author upon acceptance of an article in Journal of Intensive Care. 

Journal of Intensive Care is now accepting submissions. Submit your manuscript via ouronline submission system. For more information about the journal, contact journals@biomedcentral.com or visit our journal website.

Yours sincerely, 

 Professor Satoshi Gando

The Editor-in-Chief, 
Journal of Intensive

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